University Resources

On this page, you fill find resources specific to University level of hockey in New Brunswick.

In New Brunswick, University is regulated through Atlantic University Sport (AUS) and then USports (Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS)). For University level hockey you should make sure you are familiar with:

Remember that Hockey Canada’s rules are used as the base, Atlantic University Sport (AUS)/Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) rules can increase or add further regulations. It’s important to make sure you’ve reviewed all applicable resources before getting on games. 

Alyssa Best – UNB VS St FX

Procedures Used

For University Men’s, the 4-official system is used. For University Women’s, the 3-official (1 referee, 2 linespersons) system is used. Please ensure you review and feel comfortable for the Altercation/Fight Procedure.

Game Incident Reports (GIRs)

All Game Incident Reports (GIRs) for University hockey MUST be submitted through Goalline. Do NOT use spreadsheet/email for submitting these reports. They MUST be submitted within 12 hours of the game.

Key University Rules

Face-off in Short Handed End After Penalty - ALL Hockey Now
No Change/Hybrid Icing
Icing the Puck - Goaltender Leaving Crease - Rule 6.7 e vi
Puck out of Bounds or Unplayable in Defensive zone
Head Contact - Blows to the Head
Overtime - Regular Season
Shootout after Overtime - Reg Season
Players in Uniform
Neck Guards
Overtime - Playoffs
AUS Men's
One per game - 7 Bench Staff
Yes - for Time differential penalties. Watch for the 3 exceptions. Coach gets choice of side for face-off.
Yes - attacking team choose side & Yes
Offending team cannot change - attacking team to choose side. Face off always stays in Defensive end.
Major plus Game Misconduct
2 and 10, 5 and Game or Match - Protection of all players at all times.
After 2 Minute rest, play 3/3 for 5 minutes
3 min break, No scrape or flood. 3 Player Shootout, home team has choice to go 1st. Then 1/1 sudden death until winner. All players eligible except if serving GM or Misc.
20 (21 for warm-up)
Must Be Worn (allowed to finish play)
As Per Hockey Canada
Minor penalty for using hand on the puck during face-off; CFB minor+10, double minor+10 (player turned and injured), major+Gm or match; Boarding double minor option for minor injury; any player can serve bench/coincidental minor; defensive team no change for accidentally causing net off and goalie cover on dump in before center (attacking choice of side); trip when diving even if puck contacted first; neck guards mandatory; goalie may play w/ broken stick until stoppage Defensive team stick down first
AUS Women's
One per game - 7 Bench Staff
Yes - for Time differential penalties. Watch for the 4 exception. Coach gets choice of side for face-off.
Yes - attacking team choose side & Yes
Yes - Utilizing the delay of game penalty for this situation. No penalty for hitting roof above the ice surface.
Major plus Game Misconduct
2,4, 5 and Game or Match - Protection of all players at all times.
After 3 Minute rest, play 3/3 for 5 minutes
3 min break, No scrape or flood. 3 Player Shootout, home team has choice to go 1st. Then 1/1 sudden death until winner. All players eligible except if serving GM or Misc.
20 (21 for warm-up)
Must Be Worn (allowed to finish play)
As Per Hockey Canada
CFB per HC rules

Competitive Rules Sheet

en_CAEnglish (Canada)